Receive treatment for your child’s therapeutic needs.

Our services

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Speech-Language Therapy

Online or in-person, this is designated for the individual treatment process. Sessions can be 2-3 per week, weekly or bi-weekly, depending determined needs.

55 min $160 | 30 min $80 Private pay rates

*Session frequency and duration can vary based on the treatment plan.

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Parent or Family member Coaching session

Available to any family member if needed as an add-on; occurs online, in-person, phone/text or email, (separate from treatment sessions). This treatment consultation will help us work together for your child (question/answer session, discuss expectations, to learn more carry-over strategies, etc, all to help achieve your child’s therapy goals at home. 

15 mins | $20 | Get started

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Speech-Language Evaluations

Online or in-person, this time will be spent prioritizing your concerns and evaluating your child’s needs; and includes a follow up to discuss results, recommendations, and develop a treatment plan together as a team for your child . This does not include Speech-Language treatment.

60-75 mins | $225

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Language-based enrichment groups

Language & communication-based play that also includes physical & motor components and sensory experiences. The group size and focus does vary dependent upon the needs and number of children participating, but will always include practice with following group directions, sharing their space and play with one another, modeling and practicing communication, and learning flexibility in general.

60-90 mins *dependent on needs and number enrolled

| $100 | Get started


Check back for information:

Siblings Groups | Occupational Therapy | ABA Therapy | Physical Therapy | Play Therapy

May include Sensory Integration support as well as daily functional skills, physical supports, Applied Behavioral Analysis, and emotional support through play, as determined through appropriate evaluation(s).

TBD mins | $TBD | Get started

Educational Consultation

Available via video conferencing, phone, or in-person. Offering your requested consultative services to other groups of developmental therapists or corporations re: typical therapeutic practices, informational discussion of developmental topics, Q&A sessions, and real-life scenario practice. 

1 - 2 hours | Call to discuss timing & fees | Email us

“Everyday is the beginning of something filled with new wonders and experiences.

Remember your child is one of them.”


Questions before getting started? Get in touch.