How do you know when your child might need to be evaluated?

Developmental Milestones

0-12 months

0-12 months

Does your baby…

0-3 months                              

  • Watch your face? Turn their head to sounds/voices? Producing some vowel sounds?

  • Lifting their head while on tummy? Grasping for items at the center of his body? Bringing things to the mouth?

3-6  months                                                        

  • Take turns with vocal play? Say a few consonants with vowels? Anticipate what comes next?,    

  • Roll both ways? Sit with support? Push arms up while on tummy? Swat at toys?

 6-9 months                                                  

  • Vocalize to get attention? Look for missing objects? Explore and use toys in a variety of ways

  • Repeat the same consonant? Understands a few words? Willing to share space while in the same topic or activity? Respond to her name? Vocalize with eye contact?

  • Sit in dependently? Crawl on hands and knees? Pull to knees?

  • Hold his bottle? Move toy from one hand to another? Play with toys while sitting? Drink from an open cup with assistance?

 9-12 mos

  • Play and imitates gestures? Understands cause/effect?  Show you a toy? Initiate a social game/peek a boo?

  • Babble a variety of consonants? Point with accurate purpose? Understand 50 words? Produce one word (that is not mom or dad or names)?

  • Use a correct index to thumb grasp? Wave/clap? Feed herself? Point with index finger?

  • Pull to stand? Cruise? Stand for a moment?

12-24 months

12-24 months

Does your toddler….

12-15 months

  • Play with items purposely (throw a ball, build blocks)?  Use more than one object together while playing? Initiate bringing toys to you?

  • Say 10 words and use 10 gestures? Imitates silly sounds, adult sounding battle, follows one step with some assistance

  • Walk/squat/get into standing position without support?

  • Help push his arms and legs through for dressing? Scoops? Puts objects in containers?

 15 to 18 months                                                          

  • Play pretend? Bring items to get help? Imitate play sounds?

  • Say 20 to 50 words? which are 25% understandable? Point to identify common objects and body parts? Follow one step directions independently?

  • Walk independently? Carry things while walki?

  • Remove simple clothing/shoes? Feed self with spoon?

 18 to 24 months

  • Play a variety of pretend ways? Watches another play? Combine toys to play in different ways?  

  • Say 50 to 200 words? Combine words?  Produce 50% understandable? Use more words than gestures? Follows two step directions?

  • Step over and up and down? Run (although may fall)

  • Stack blocks? Imitate drawing a line? Begin to hold a writing utensil?



2-4 years

Does your preschooler….

24 to 36 months                                                         

  • Construct things in play? Play alongside other people and play with their own toys?

  • Say 250 to 1000 words? Combine 3 words?

36 to 48 months

  • Combine 4-5 words? Ask/answer a variety of questions? Follow 2-3 step directions? Understand early opposites and prepositions?

  • Ask about gross motor development

  • Ask about fine motor development

4-6 years

Does your pre-kindergartener…

4-5 years

  • Produce 75% understandable sentences? Know/uses pronouns, plurals, possessives, past tense? Use 4-5 word sentences? Use words with peers? Use imaginary terms?

  • Know function of print/reading? Attend to a short story?

  • Skip? Climb? HJop on one foot?

  • Draw a body with body parts? Dress/undress independently? Open package? Buckle seat belt?


Does your early elementary child…

5-6 years

  • Understand/use the ‘to be’ verb? Ask meanings of words? Ask questions to get more information? Participate in group play? Announce when you change the subject?

  • Group items? Match letters/sounds? Know some sight words, number concepts, adjectives, time concepts and more complex prepositions? Says all sounds except for S/Z, R, CH, TH?  Demonstrate flexible thinking?

  • Throw upper & lower hand?  Walk backwards? On a line? Begin to ride a bike

  • Construct things with hands? Use a knife & fork?